The 19th Annual Children’s BookFest is the perfect way to celebrate the start of Broward County Library's 2024 Summer Learning Program.
Our fun filled day will feature workshops and presentations featuring:
Kickoff to Summer Fun - Adventure Begins At Your Library this summer! Register for a 2024 summer reading challenge, enter to win great prizes, and pick up your free book (while supplies last).
Author Alley will feature select local authors and our featured special guest author Juana Martinez-Neal. She is an award-winning author and illustrator born in Peru who writes and illustrates books for young readers, including Alma and How She Got Her Name and Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. Her artwork is featured prominently at BCL library locations this summer on the Adventure at Your Library summer posters and signs.

Festival Fun with facepainting, VR experiences, the Coral Springs Guild Craft corner, community performances by Coral Springs Charter School, Double Dutch Over 40 Club, and Broward Center Spotlights, Catalina the Clown, Marci Poppins, Mockie Jockie Stilt Dancers and more!
- Marching band from Coral Springs Charter School, whose mission to provide students with the opportunity for personal development and academic success through a safe, challenging, entrepreneurial and nurturing environment that instills a lifelong desire for learning and actively taking part in life's opportunities.
- Kids can create crafts with
Coral Springs Women's Club, Inc. is dedicated to furthering educational, civic, and charitable activities locally and globally, as well as promoting personal growth among its members.
Creative Stage Productions is a theater company based in Miami founded in 2017 by Colombian actress Catalina Arenas.
Marcela Murad is a family entertainer specializing in storytelling, puppets, magic and face painting who brings the whimsical Marci Poppins to life! Her high energy and funny antics will keep the kids laughing as she shares lessons in kindness, tolerance, self-esteem and how to cultivate a positive attitude.
40+ Double Dutch Club is a group of women over the age of 40 who get together to take a break from “adulting” by jumping Double Dutch, hula hooping, playing hopscotch and Chinese rope!
Broward Center Spotlights is a performing vocal ensemble for students who love to sing in front of an audience. Team-taught by a professional music director and choreographer, students gain top-tier instruction in song and dance, musicianship, improved vocal technique and song interpretation, and build dance skills and stage presence using some of Broadway’s greatest songs.
- USVI Mocko Jumbie Stilt Dancers have been in existence since 1993, teaching kids ranging from the age of 4 and up the art of stilt dancing. This special art form originated in West Ghana Africa over 200 years ago, where the dancers would wear tall stilts to tower over the village to ward off any evil spirit they felt could harm their tribe. During the slave trade, the art would make its way to the Caribbean Islands where you can find it more at festivals and carnival parades.
- Mini - Family Resource Fair from South Florida community organizations and businesses.
Explore Cultural Experiences with music and dance performances throughout the day.
Capo Capoeira teaches the Brazilian martial art of capoeira, which incorporates kicks, fluid movements, acrobatics, and music.
Nritya Surabhi School of Dance was founded with its primary mission of teaching and propagating Bharata Natyam, one of the major classical dance styles of India. Founded by Aparna Matange, the school is committed to increasing the awareness of this dance art, audience appreciation and its use in day-to-day life.
- South Florida Cloggers are a dance group that train clogging enthusiasts of all ages in a fun and supportive learning environment. Clogging is a lively and rhythmic dance form that combines elements of tap, Irish step dancing, and traditional folk dance.
- Paco Moreno, a teacher and luthier (maker of stringed instruments) born in the highlands of Ecuador, performs traditional and contemporary melodies from the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. He provides information about the instruments, music, and the cultures where this music is played.
- On the Go Music specializes in bringing the music of the Caribbean through culture, rhythms and sounds of steel pan drums. South Florida music educator, Richia Dix's engaging and patient teaching style will have you making music in no time.
Cinderella: A Fractured Fairy Tale presented by Fantasy Theatre Factory, a gold standard for professional theater in South Florida and places its greatest programmatic emphasis on Theater for Young Audiences and strives to provide quality cultural programming for children and family audiences.
The Children's BookFest is presented through collaborations and partnerships with many community partners and is generously funded by The Broward Public Library Foundation, The Friends of the Northwest Regional Library, and The Stephanie Rubin Memorial Fund.

The 2024 Summer Learning Program is brought to you by the Broward Public Library Foundation, BBX Capital Foundation, and JM Family Enterprises.