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Marvelous Silly Brain – From the Perspective of a Neurologist
Author: Pakize Nevin Calisal Sutlas
Translation: Karen Ladybug
Editor: Dayron Gonzalez Martinez
She was born in 1959 in Turkey. She worked at “Bakirkoy Hospital and Research Center for Mental Disorders” more than 30 years in Istanbul.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Stroke, Nervous System Infections, Neurologic Intensive Care and Patients Nutrition are topics that she worked on. She moved to US after she has retired in 2016 and began her new career as a popular science writer.
She wrote many books in Turkish but “Marvelous Silly Brain” is her first published book in English.
Brain is such a puzzling box that it is impossible not to be curious about. I am inviting you to an exciting tour inside the brain, accompanied by true stories from my neurologic experience of more than 30 years.
The book has lots of real-life stories related to neurologic problems. You will also find the medical explanations of these stories. None of them is written by medical jargon but by daily language.
My main goal is to share my knowledge about brain. But I don’t like talking about the diseases about brain. Because, unless it is necessary, learning about illnesses might make us hypochondriac. Besides, there are enough information about brain issues out there that anyone can find them very easily. My goal on this book is to tell you about interesting, less known conditions that don’t necessarily be too rare. My hidden goal is to take brain from being a terrifying organ. Because in reality the brain is a highly fun organ.