The Little Library System that Could and Did!
Celebrate with us the creation of our Libraries-In-Action branches: Collier City (Jan Moran), Carver Ranches, Rock Island, Dania, and the Von D. Mizell Center, in the historic Sistrunk area.
Almost 50 years ago, Tyrone Bryant and his team, which included Tanya Simons-Oparah worked tirelessly to ensure that these libraries, in disadvantaged, underserved communities were not only built but also that specialized services were created to help the communities thrive.
Join Tanya Simons-Oparah and other special guests as they share their memories of not only navigating the political landscape but also having to convince skeptical residents of the need for these libraries.
All are welcome! Sponsored by Pompano Beach Friends of the Library.
This event is part of the Broward County Library Division’s 50th anniversary celebration. Search for the keyword, “anniversary” in the library calendar to find more special events happening through April 2024.
EVENT TYPE: | Speaker | Discussion/Lecture | Arts & Cultural |
TAGS: | Library Anniversary |